
Support / Help for journalists under threat

Providing a safe haven in Leipzig for journalists at risk

The ECPMF's Journalists-in-Residence (JiR) programme offers temporary shelter for journalists facing harassment and intimidation as a direct result of their work. Journalists get the chance to rest and recuperate in a safe and discreet place, and also to continue their investigative work at their own pace. The JiR programme lasts for up to six months, and includes rent for a furnished apartment in Leipzig, Germany, as well as a monthly stipend for basic living costs. It also covers travel expenses, health insurance and psychological treatment, and journalism-related training sessions. Our JiR programme manager designs a customised stay according to the circumstances and needs of every single participant, and personally checks up on her or his well-being throughout the process and residency.

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Emergency response and practical support for exiled journalists in Germany

The ECPMF serves as a central platform for foreign and exiled media professionals. To respond to the individual needs of journalists at risk or under threat, we examine incoming help requests, give case-specific practical advice and co-ordinate and fund assistance efforts from third parties. This assistance includes psychological support, legal consultation, professional development, security precautions, and mediation with relevant partner organisations.

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Legal Support

The ECPMF recognises that physical threats to the life, safety, wellbeing and security of journalists and media organisations remain a serious concern in many European countries. The recent actions of some governments in passing laws that restrict the right to freedom of expression and freedom of the media suggest that there is a need for advocacy against such laws or to improve existing legislation.

We offer and coordinate legal support on matters related to free speech for individuals and organisations working in countries located geographically in Europe.

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