Dr Lutz Kinkel (photo: ECPMF/Lamm)
Dr. Lutz Kinkel
Managing Director
Lutz represents and manages the ECPMF. Lutz worked in German press for more than 20 years, giving special focus to the areas of politics and media. He was an editor at Spiegel-Online and tagesschau.de and more recently head of the stern-online office in Berlin. He did his Masters degree at Hamburg University in history, politics and economics. His dissertation examines the life of Nazi film director Leni Riefenstahl. Lutz teaches journalism at the Akademie für Publizistik, Hamburg.
Stephanie Koch (photo: Anja Kunisch)
Stephanie Koch
Journalists-in-Residence Programme Manager
Stephanie manages the ECPMF’s Journalists-in-Residence programme. Before joining the ECPMF team, she worked for domestic and international cultural institutions in the fields of project and event management, evaluation work, organisation of Artist-in-Residence programmes, and exhibition work. As a project manager, she supervised a research project on the European Capital of Culture programme and the monitoring of German entries. She received her academic education in Arts, Cultural Sciences and Cultural Policy at the University of Leipzig, the Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma, and at the University of Hildesheim.
Hartwig Künkeler (photo: ECPMF/Lamm)
Hartwig Künckeler
Head of Finance
Hartwig has worked as a financial auditor since 1976 and has served on the board of BDO AG, one of Germany’s largest audit firms operating worldwide, from 1997 to 2007. Following his retirement, he started his own auditing business and provides counsel to various non-profit organisations. He holds a number of honorary positions and serves on the board of several associations and charitable foundations.
Dr. Flutura Kusari (photo: ECPMF/Lamm)
Flutura Kusari
Legal Advisor
Flutura leads the legal support programme and advocates with international organisations to improve legislation to defend freedom of expression. In addition, she advises journalists on pre- and post- publication legal matters such as defamation, access to information, contempt of court, and privacy. Previously, Kusari worked for various civil society organisations, including the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network and the Kosovar Stability Initiative on human rights, media, rule of law, and the judicial system. She holds a Ph.D. in Media Law from Ghent University, Belgium.
Andreas Lamm (photo: ECPMF/Trimborn)
Andreas Lamm
Art Director | Deputy Managing Director
Andreas is an accomplished photographer, videographer and website designer who also lectures at the journalism department of the University of Leipzig. He is the ECPMF webmaster responsible for constantly updating the website and system admin and works closely with colleagues at the Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso in Rovereto, Italy, to synchronise the Resource Centre archive with the live front end of the website. Andreas is also responsible for all visual and graphic content and for corporate design. In addition he takes care of HR and supports the boards. Andreas gained his Magister Artium in Communication and Media Science, American Studies and Psychology.
Nico Matheis (photo: ECPMF/Lamm)
Nico Matheis
Administrative Officer
Nico is in charge of financial, legal and HR matters concerning the ECPMF. As Administrative Officer he directly assists the Head of Finance. He holds a master’s degree in European Studies and has gained international work experience in Brussels for Deutsche Lufthansa AG and through working for the American Consulate General in Leipzig. Dedicated to numbers, Nico keeps track of the day-to-day bookkeeping and contract compliance. He communicates with the EU Commission and our other public funders on an operational level.
Renata Rat (photo: ECPMF/Andreas Lamm)
Renata Rat
Editorial Team
She gained her Bachelor's degree in Media and Communication Science and Political Science at the Technical University of Dresden. She spent one semester in Turin, Italy, studying International Relations and is a native Serbo-Croatian speaker. Right now, Renata is studying European Studies M.A. at Leipzig University.
She gained experience in the PR departments of several start-ups and occasionally works as a freelance journalist.
She supports the press team of the ECPMF by managing the social media accounts, writing newsletters and press releases as well as doing research and writing articles for the ECPMF's website.
Katrin Schatz (photo: ECPMF/Lamm)
Katrin Schatz
Helpdesk Manager
Katrin is the face behind the ECPMF's Helpdesk. She provides guidance for media professionals at risk across Europe and practical support for exiled journalists in Germany. Furthermore, she dedicates herself to empower migrants and their social participation in Leipzig. Previously, Katrin worked for international organisations focussing on intercultural collaboration. In Botswana she implemented and managed the first programme of Step Up International and organised various events for the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation. Katrin completed her Master’s degree in cultural geography at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg.
Nora Wehofsits (photo: ECPMF/Lamm)
Nora Wehofsits
Advocacy Officer and Project Coordinator
Nora is responsible for all advocacy activities of the ECPMF, to foster media freedom and represent ECPMF's mission in the public and political debate. She advocates for the ECPMF by liaising and mobilising cooperation. Moreover, her tasks include developing and coordinating projects or events, such as the ECPMF’s conferences, as well as creating funding concepts. Nora’s work experiences in Germany and abroad include different journalistic and editorial occupations as well as strategic corporate and science communication, for instance in the field of sustainable development. She has an academic background in Communication Science and International Criminology, with theses about media impacts on criminal justice and the relation between press freedom and corruption.
Jane Whyatt (photo: ECPMF/Lamm)
Jane Whyatt
Editorial Team
Jane is responsible for creating and curating web content at the ECPMF and supporting the ECPMF’s activities. She is an experienced journalist, documentary-maker and producer with a strong track record in campaigning for press and broadcasting freedom, diversity and plurality of media ownership. As a journalist she covered the Falklands conflict and UK general elections dating back to the 1980s and she has worked as a lecturer and academic leader at London’s top journalism schools. She has won the CRA Race in the Media Best Documentary Prize, the BJTC Award for Excellence in Journalism Education (twice), the Guardian/Unltd Award for Social Entrepreneurship and the Olympic Inspire Mark, London 2012. Jane took a degree in Modern European Studies (Politics, French and German) at the University of Bristol, UK.